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Notice_Extracts_Wholesale <[log in to unmask]>
ERCOT Client Services <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 27 Nov 2013 19:56:31 +0000
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NOTICE DATE:  November 27, 2013
SHORT DESCRIPTION:  Additional information on NPRR568, Real-Time Reserve Price Adder Based on Operating Reserve Demand Curve - automated posting of indicative Real-Time Reserve Price Adders and underlying reserve data inputs
INTENDED AUDIENCE:  All Market Participants
DAY AFFECTED:  November 27, 2013
LONG DESCRIPTION:  An additional Interim Historical Real-Time Reserve Price Adder Based on the ORDC report containing historical data from January 1, 2013 thru November 19, 2013 has been posted.  The calculations for the data in this report are consistent with the approved NPRR568.
NOTICE DATE:  November 19, 2013
SHORT DESCRIPTION:  Implementation details for NPRR568, Real-Time Reserve Price Adder Based on Operating Reserve Demand Curve - automated posting of indicative Real-Time Reserve Price Adders and underlying reserve data inputs
INTENDED AUDIENCE:  All Market Participants
DAY AFFECTED:  November 20, 2013
LONG DESCRIPTION:  Starting with Operating Day November 20, 2013, ERCOT will begin posting the indicative Real-Time On-Line and Off-Line Reserve Price Adders required by Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) 568, Real-Time Reserve Price Adder Based on Operating Reserve Demand Curve, which was approved by the ERCOT Board on November 19, 2013.  The posted adders will be calculated based on phase 1 of NPRR568 , and will therefore include only the inputs currently available in ERCOT systems (i.e., excluding RTOFF10 and RTOFF30 telemetry points).  The posting will also contain the variable inputs to the On-Line and Off-Line reserves.
There are two Market Information System (MIS) Public reports associated with this posting:
            1. Real-Time Reserve Price Adder Based on ORDC - Interim
2. Real-Time Reserve Price Adder Based on ORDC - Interim Historical   Reports
The first report above will provide a .csv file of reserve price adders and underlying inputs to the Real-Time reserve calculations and will be updated every five minutes. Each successive report will include this data set for the current SCED run and all previous SCED runs in the same Operating Day. In the instance where more than one file is displayed, the most current report will have a later timestamp. At the end of each Operating Day, the final posting, which includes all of the SCED runs in the Operating Day, will be posted as the historical report for that Operating Day.
The second report listed above contains historical .csv files for each Operating Day between implementation of this interim posting and the project implementation date, which is anticipated to be June 1, 2014.
Additionally, the RT Reserve Price Adder ORDC Interim Instruction file, which describes column headings and definitions, will be included in the historical report and also posted on the User Guides page on<>.
The reports will be available on the Scarcity Pricing Mechanism section of the Real-Time Market page of<>. The reports will also be available  on the Scarcity Pricing Mechanism portlet on the Real-Time Market page of the Market Information System (MIS)<>.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:  NPRR568 and associated documents can be found on the ERCOT website, under Market Rules, at
CONTACT:  If you have any questions, please contact your ERCOT Account Manager. You may also call the general ERCOT Client Services phone number at (512) 248-3900 or contact ERCOT Client Services via email at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.
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