Hi Matt,
Attached are my comments to KP1.3 and KP2.
Shams Siddiqi, PhD
President, Crescent Power, Inc.
11412 Bee Caves Rd, Suite 202
Austin, Texas 78738
Tel. +1.512.619.3532
Email: <mailto:[log in to unmask]> [log in to unmask]
<http://www.crescentpower.net> www.crescentpower.net
From: Mereness, Matt <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 1, 2019 11:47 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Reminder: RTCTF comments and alternatives due tomorrow/Oct 2
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Friendly reminder of the listing and status of RTCTF key principles
in-flight (listed below) for the Oct 9th RTCTF meeting.
Comments and alternatives are due close-of-business tomorrow, October 2.
Key Principle documentation for redlines and comments were posted on Sept 23
to the meeting page for Oct 9, and additional materials will be posted
tomorrow. Calendar page is
Thanks and call or email with any questions,
Matt Mereness
<mailto:[log in to unmask]> [log in to unmask]
O: 512.248.3089
M: 512.565.8939
From: Mereness, Matt [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2019 5:12 PM
To: [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Subject: RTCTF materials for Oct 9th Meeting (comments due Oct 2)
We have posted the latest version of the following Key Principle document
for the October 9th meeting
Below are the details for each item to assist in your review of the issues
and potential alternatives.
Alternative language is due next Wednesday Oct 2.
Key Principle 1.1: Ancillary Service Demand Curves and Current Market Price
(2)- Pricing run to reliability deployments (Round 3- confirm consensus and
discuss with other RUC/reliability deployment items)
(5)- Disaggregation of ORDC Curve (Round 3- no action needed, consensus on
Crescent approach and ready for October TAC)
Key Principle 1.2 - System-Wide Offer Cap and Power Balance Penalty Price
(3)- Price caps for AS (Round 3- Proposals from Crescent and Luminant and
look for task force consensus for October TAC)
Key Principle 1.3 - Offering and Awarding Ancillary Services in Real-Time
(1)- Ability for QSE to indicate when AS unavailable in Real-Time (Round 3
No issues to date)
(2)- UFR Load Resources will be able to self-provide RRS UFR and ECRS based
on DAM Awards and Trades (Round 3 No issues to date)
(3)- STEC proposal for On-Line Hydro not in ONRR mode (Round 2 Review STEC
(4)- Combined-cycle frequency responsive AS constraint (Round 2 No issues to
date with additional detail from ERCOT on telemetry)
(5)- RTC will not change limits on sub-categories of AS products (Round 3 No
issues to date)
(6)- Offline non-spin constraint during start-up (Round 3 Some discussion
from Crescent in prior meeting, but no alternatives)
(7)- Quick-start constraint during start-up (Round 3 No issues to date)
(8)- Re-procurement of AS during deployments (Consensus at 9/19 meeting)
(9)- Operator ability to mitigate infeasible AS (Round 3 Minor edits at
RTCTF, but no alternatives)
(10)- RTC will leverage AS Offer structure inherited from current structure,
including NPRR863 (Round 3 No issues to date)
(11)- AS Offer curve submission will be same as Energy Offer Curve (Round 3
No issues to date)
(12)- Proxy curves for RTC AS
Significant discussion expected, proposals encouraged
Prior presentation/comments from TCPA/LCRA and also comments
from Trefny
(13)- Proxy curves for AS will not be created for DAM (same as today) (Round
3 No issues to date)
Key Principle 5 (Round 3)
(1)- ASDCs will be used in DAM (Round 3 No issues to date)
(2)- ASDCs in DAM will be same as Real-Time (Round 3 No issues to date)
(3)- Current DAM Insufficiency Process will be removed (Round 3 No issues to
(4)- AS Obligation quantities posted by 06:00 in Day-Ahead become
advisory-only number based on the AS Plan (Round 3 No issues to date)
(5)- Minimum AS Obligation quantity will be 0.1 MW (Round 3 No issues to
(6)- After DAM is published, updated AS Obligation quantities will be
calculated and published based on the actual DAM AS requirement (Round 3 No
issues to date)
(7)- Virtual AS Offers- proposed by Morgan Stanley at 9/19 meeting (Round 2
Be prepared to discuss benefits of additional functionality)
See you tomorrow for the ISO Lessons Learned- thanks!
Matt Mereness
<mailto:[log in to unmask]> [log in to unmask]
O: 512.248.3089
M: 512.565.8939
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