NOTICE DATE:  April 22, 2008

NOTICE TYPE: M-B021908-02    Legal and Extracts


SHORT DESCRIPTION: 60-day Entity-Specific Disclosures Required by P.U.C.
SUBST. R. 25.505

INTENDED AUDIENCE:  All Market Participants

DAY AFFECTED:  Operating Day March 1, 2008 for publication April 30,

LONG DESCRIPTION:  March 1, 2008 was the effective Operating Day for the
60-day disclosure to begin in accordance with P.U.C. Subst. Rule 25.505
(f), Publication of resource and load information in ERCOT markets.
This data is currently subject to 90-day disclosure requirements, and on
March 1, 2008 became subject to 60-day disclosure requirements, with the
initial 60-day posting to commence on April 30, 2008.

This notice is to communicate and confirm the system change that ERCOT
will begin posting the additional 60-day Disclosure files on April 30,

The QSE-specific data subject to the disclosure is described in the rule

 25.505(f)(3)(A)(iii) requires:  ERCOT shall post the following by
Settlement Interval area, where available

(a)                  Final Energy Schedules for each QSE;  

(b)                  Final Ancillary Services Schedules for each QSE;   

(c)                  Resource Plans for each Resource represented by a

(d)                  Actual output from each Resource;   

(e)                  All Dispatch Instructions from ERCOT for Balancing
Energy and Ancillary Services; and

25.505(f)(3)(C)-  Load and Generation Resource output for each
Congestion Zone for each QSE that dynamically schedules its Resources


The postings for these six reports are centralized on the ERCOT Planning
and Market Reports page at


The impacted extracts are:


Final Energy Schedule by QSE -

Final Ancillary Service Schedule by QSE -

Resource Plans by QSE -

Actual Output by Resource -

Dispatch Instructions -

Dynamic Load and Generation by QSE -


All extracts will be posted to the same extract folder and delineated by
the following dates and naming conventions:


180-day extracts for Operating Days prior to September 22, 2007 (no

90-day extracts for Operating Days September 22, 2007 through February
29, 2007 (include "90day" in file name)

60-day extracts for Operating Days March 1, 2008 and forward (include
"60day" in file name and first posting is April 30, 2008)


ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The list of reports required by P.U.C. Subst. R.
25.505 for the zonal market and their locations may be found at in the key documents section. You
may also view the full text of P.U.C. Subst. R. 25.505 at

CONTACT: If you have any questions, please contact your ERCOT Account
Manager. You may also call the general ERCOT Client Services phone
number at (512) 248-3900 or contact ERCOT Client Services via e-mail at
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