NOTICE DATE: February 11, 2011
NOTICE TYPE: M-A021111-02 Outage Retail/Wholesale
SHORT DESCRIPTION: Database outage complete
DAY AFFECTED: February 11, 2011
LONG DESCRIPTION: The failover of the Market Information Repository (MIR), Current Day Reports (CDR) and Credit Monitoring and Management (CMM) has completed.
Please note that as a result of the databases being Off-Line and the Market Manager experiencing timeouts, DRUC was delayed until 15:30.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The following CDR reports failed to post during the failover for the intervals listed below. These reports/intervals do not have retry functionality; therefore they will not be rerun/reposted to the Market Information System (MIS).
EMIL_ID | PRODUCT_NAME | GEN_FREQ | intervals missing for 02/11/2011 | # intervals impacted |
NP5-911-CD | Inactive Contingencies in SCED | Chron - 5 Minutes | 11/02/2011 14:05 - 11/02/2011 14:25, | 5 |
NP6-291-CD | Topology Consistency | Chron - 5 Minutes | 11/02/2011 14:05 - 11/02/2011 14:25, | 5 |
NP6-621-CD | State Estimator Load Report - Individual Load on Electrical Buses | Chron - 5 Minutes | 11/02/2011 14:05 - 11/02/2011 14:25, | 5 |
NP6-623-CD | State Estimator Load Report - Load by Electrical Bus by Load Zone | Chron - 5 Minutes | 11/02/2011 14:05 - 11/02/2011 14:25, | 5 |
NP6-624-CD | State Estimator Load Report - Total System Load on Electrical Buses | Chron - 5 Minutes | 11/02/2011 14:05 - 11/02/2011 14:25, | 5 |
NP6-625-CD | State Estimator Load Report - Total ERCOT Generation | Chron - 5 Minutes | 11/02/2011 14:05 - 11/02/2011 14:25, | 5 |
NP6-626-CD | State Estimator Load Report - DC Ties Flows | Chron - 5 Minutes | 11/02/2011 14:05 - 11/02/2011 14:25, | 5 |
NP8-143-CD | QSE Ancillary Services Capacity Monitor | Chron - 5 Minutes | 11/02/2011 14:05 - 11/02/2011 14:25, | 5 |
NP6-215-CD | Real Time Dynamic Rating Data | Chron - 15 Minutes | 11/02/2011 14:15 - 11/02/2011 14:30 | 1 |
NP7-807-CD | Real-Time Point-to-Point Option Price Report | Chron - Hourly | 11/02/2011 14:00 - 11/02/2011 15:00 | 1 |
NP3-217-CD | Forecasted Temperature Adjusted Dynamic Ratings | Chron - Hourly | 11/02/2011 14:00 - 11/02/2011 15:00 | 1 |
NP4-159-CD | Load Forecast Distribution Factors | Chron - Hourly | 11/02/2011 14:00 - 11/02/2011 15:00 | 1 |
NP6-235-CD | System-Wide Demand | Chron - Hourly | 11/02/2011 14:00 - 11/02/2011 15:00 | 1 |
NP6-620-CD | State Estimator 15-minute Average of Loads | Chron - Hourly | 11/02/2011 14:00 - 11/02/2011 15:00 | 1 |
NP6-619-CD | Hourly State Estimator Transmission Line Flows | Chron - Hourly | 11/02/2011 14:00 - 11/02/2011 15:00 | 1 |
The MIS Dashboards and price displays were not populated with data during the failover outage.
CONTACT: If you have any questions, please contact your ERCOT Account Manager. You may also call the general ERCOT Client Services phone number at (512) 248-3900 or contact ERCOT Client Services via email at [log in to unmask].
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