NOTICE DATE: May 20, 2011
NOTICE TYPE: W-A050511-02 Settlements
SHORT DESCRIPTION: REMINDER – Enhancement modifications to HASLADJ, HASLSNAP and RUC Capacity-Short Charge drivers
INTENDED AUDIENCE: QSE Settlement Personnel
DAY AFFECTED: June 1, 2011
LONG DESCRIPTION: ERCOT is implementing enhancements for the maintenance and use of the HASLADJ, HASLSNAP and RUC Capacity-Short Charge driver bill determinants to increase performance and reduce unnecessary zero calculations.
Calculation of HASLADJ and HASLSNAP
Effective beginning Operating Day June 1, 2011, the bill determinants HASLADJ and HASLSNAP will be calculated for each settlement run and associated with the savechannel for each settlement run. These bill determinants will continue to reside in the RUCOUTPUTHEADER and RUCOUTPUTINTERVAL tables and be provided in the Real-Time Market Consolidated Operating Day Extracts (RTM CODE).
Additionally, the calculation of HASLSNAP will be reduced such that it is only calculated for Reliability Unit Commitment (RUC) processes required by the RUC Capacity-Short Charge based on RUC processes from which RUC Make-Whole Payments are paid and RUC processes required for the calculation of alternate HASLADJ and HASLSNAP values due to Resource forced outages and RUC Decommitments, rather than for every RUC process.
The calculation of HASLADJ and HASLSNAP for Operating Days December 1, 2010, through May 31, 2011, will not change and will only be associated with the Initial settlement run savechannel to be used in all subsequent settlement runs for the Operating Day. Therefore, this data will only be associated with savechannel 1 for Operating Days December 1, 2010, through May 31, 2011.
RUC Capacity-Short Charge Drivers
Effective beginning Operating Day December 1, 2010, the driver set for the RUC Capacity-Short Charge has been enhanced to eliminate unnecessary zero outputs. Currently, this charge is calculated for all QSEs, including those that do not have an obligation and therefore cannot be assessed a charge. The modified driver set will include the “obligation” bill determinants (DAEP, DAES, RUCCPADJ, RUCCPSNAP, RUCCSADJ, RUCCSSNAP, RTQQEPADJ, RTQQEPSNAP, RTQQESADJ, RTQQESSNAP, RTAML and RTDCEXP). If a QSE does not have at least one of the “obligation” bill determinants in the modified driver set, then the system will not calculate a RUC Capacity-Short Charge for that QSE, and the QSE will not receive the zero value outputs.
CONTACT: If you have any questions, please contact your ERCOT Account Manager. You may also call the general ERCOT Client Services phone number at (512) 248-3900 or contact ERCOT Client Services via email at [log in to unmask].
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