NOTICE DATE: August 26, 2011
NOTICE TYPE: M-B081111-02 REMINDER: Extracts – Retail
SHORT DESCRIPTION: Filename changes for TDSP ESIID Extract
All Market Participants
DAY AFFECTED: September 6, 2011
On September 6, 2011, ERCOT will implement changes to the file naming conventions of the TDSP ESIID Extract with the first full file posting of the month. These changes are being implemented
in order to align the file names of the report with the actual names of the Transmission/Distribution Service Provider (TDSP) territories for which the data resides.
The information below contains both the current name of the report as well as the updated filename. Not all files will be impacted.
Current Name: |
Updated Name: |
ext.00000203.0000000000000000.YYYYMMDD.HHMISS.RELIANT_HLP_NEW |
ext.00000203.0000000000000000.YYYYMMDD.HHMISS.CENTERPOINT_NEW |
ext.00000203.0000000000000000.YYYYMMDD.HHMISS.RELIANT_HLP_FUL |
ext.00000203.0000000000000000.YYYYMMDD.HHMISS.CENTERPOINT_FUL |
ext.00000203.0000000000000000.YYYYMMDD.HHMISS.WTU_ENERGY_NEW |
ext.00000203.0000000000000000.YYYYMMDD.HHMISS.AEP_NORTH_NEW |
ext.00000203.0000000000000000.YYYYMMDD.HHMISS.WTU_ENERGY_FUL |
ext.00000203.0000000000000000.YYYYMMDD.HHMISS.AEP_NORTH_FUL |
ext.00000203.0000000000000000.YYYYMMDD.HHMISS.CPL_ENERGY_NEW |
ext.00000203.0000000000000000.YYYYMMDD.HHMISS.AEP_CENTRAL_NEW |
ext.00000203.0000000000000000.YYYYMMDD.HHMISS.CPL_ENERGY_FUL |
ext.00000203.0000000000000000.YYYYMMDD.HHMISS.AEP_CENTRAL_FUL |
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: These changes are specific to the TDSP files which are out of synch with the legal TDSP names. These changes will not impact the report ID, naming standard, format of data, or frequency
of any of the reports.
CONTACT: If you have any questions, please contact your ERCOT Account Manager. You may also call the general ERCOT Client Services phone number at (512) 248-3900 or contact ERCOT Client Services via email
at [log in to unmask].
If you are receiving email from an ERCOT distribution list that you no longer wish to receive, please follow this link in order to unsubscribe from this list:
From: ERCOT Client Services
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 11:09 AM
To: [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask]
Cc: [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask]; 1 ERCOT Client Service Reps
Subject: M-B081111-01 Extracts – Retail
NOTICE DATE: August 11, 2011
NOTICE TYPE: M-B081111-01 Extracts – Retail
SHORT DESCRIPTION: Filename changes for TDSP ESIID Extract
All Market Participants
DAY AFFECTED: September 6, 2011
On September 6, 2011, ERCOT will implement changes to the file naming conventions of the TDSP ESIID Extract with the first full file posting of the month. These changes are being implemented
in order to align the file names of the report with the actual names of the Transmission/Distribution Service Provider (TDSP) territories for which the data resides.
The information below contains both the current name of the report as well as the updated filename. Not all files will be impacted.
Current Name: |
Updated Name: |
ext.00000203.0000000000000000.YYYYMMDD.HHMISS.RELIANT_HLP_NEW |
ext.00000203.0000000000000000.YYYYMMDD.HHMISS.CENTERPOINT_NEW |
ext.00000203.0000000000000000.YYYYMMDD.HHMISS.RELIANT_HLP_FUL |
ext.00000203.0000000000000000.YYYYMMDD.HHMISS.CENTERPOINT_FUL |
ext.00000203.0000000000000000.YYYYMMDD.HHMISS.WTU_ENERGY_NEW |
ext.00000203.0000000000000000.YYYYMMDD.HHMISS.AEP_NORTH_NEW |
ext.00000203.0000000000000000.YYYYMMDD.HHMISS.WTU_ENERGY_FUL |
ext.00000203.0000000000000000.YYYYMMDD.HHMISS.AEP_NORTH_FUL |
ext.00000203.0000000000000000.YYYYMMDD.HHMISS.CPL_ENERGY_NEW |
ext.00000203.0000000000000000.YYYYMMDD.HHMISS.AEP_CENTRAL_NEW |
ext.00000203.0000000000000000.YYYYMMDD.HHMISS.CPL_ENERGY_FUL |
ext.00000203.0000000000000000.YYYYMMDD.HHMISS.AEP_CENTRAL_FUL |
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: These changes are specific to the TDSP files which are out of synch with the legal TDSP names. These changes will not impact the report ID, naming standard, format of data, or frequency
of any of the reports.
CONTACT: If you have any questions, please contact your ERCOT Account Manager. You may also call the general ERCOT Client Services phone number at (512) 248-3900 or contact ERCOT Client Services via email
at [log in to unmask].
If you are receiving email from an ERCOT distribution list that you no longer wish to receive, please follow this link in order to unsubscribe from this list:
To unsubscribe from the NOTICE_EXTRACTS_WHOLESALE list, click the following link: