NOTICE DATE: September 22, 2011
NOTICE TYPE: W-A092211-01 Extracts – Wholesale
SHORT DESCRIPTION: Historical pricing reports to be posted on and MIS
DAY AFFECTED: October 3, 2011
2011, ERCOT will begin posting the public Real-Time and Day-Ahead historical pricing reports. ERCOT will be posting the Real-Time Market (RTM) and Day-Ahead Market (DAM) Settlement Point Prices
(SPPs) for each of the 14 Hubs and Load Zones.
The initial postings will include files for the 2010 Nodal Day-Ahead and Real-Time historical prices and files for the 2011 prices for Operating Day January 1, 2011, through October 1, 2011.
The historical pricing files will be generated on a weekly basis as XLS files that will be posted in a zip file format. The file will be an accumulation of the current year’s data,
building as each week progresses. Each yearly file will contain worksheets for each month.
With every execution of the reports, the posted files of the current year will be replaced with a file from the most current run. Each weekly run is scheduled to occur on Sundays.
This initial implementation of the historical prices reports will not include price corrections.
Further details for the DAM and RTM historical pricing reports are as follows:
Historical DAM Load Zone and Hub Prices, NP4-180-ER
Report Type ID: 13060
The Day-Ahead weekly .XLS files will contain the following elements:
Delivery Date
Hour Ending
Settlement Point
Settlement Point Price
Historical RTM Load Zone and Hub Prices, NP6-785-ER
Report Type ID: 13061
The Real-Time weekly .XLS files will contain the following elements:
Delivery Date
Delivery Hour
Delivery Interval
Settlement Point Name
Settlement Point Type
Settlement Point Price
Please note that, considering the annual files are cumulative datasets, the file size will be approximately 200MB for a year of price data.
The reports will be located on in the Market Information, Market Prices section. They will also be located on the Markets – Real-Time Market Landing Page and Markets – Day-Ahead Market
Landing Page on the Market Information System (MIS). These links will all be deployed by Friday, September 30, 2011, in preparation of the initial file postings on Monday, October 3, 2011.
CONTACT: If you have any questions, please contact your ERCOT Account Manager. You may also call the general ERCOT Client Services phone number at (512) 248-3900 or contact ERCOT Client Services via email
at [log in to unmask].
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