NOTICE DATE: May 29, 2012
NOTICE TYPE: M-A052912-01 Extracts
SHORT DESCRIPTION: New bill determinant in RTM MODE extract – LPROFWTHR
DAY AFFECTED: June 11, 2012
LONG DESCRIPTION: ERCOT will include a new bill determinant, LPROFWTHR, which is the LOAD BY PROFILETYPE AND WEATHER ZONE ADJ FOR UFE beginning with the June 11, 2012, posting
of the Real-Time Market Market Operating Day Extract (RTM MODE). The data aggregation settlement dates to be run for the June 11, 2012, posting include:
6/1/2012 – Initial
4/13/2012 – Final
12/14/2011 – True-Up
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The new bill determinant will be produced for all future settlement of nodal Operating Days and will reside in the DAIOUTPUTHEADER/INTERVAL tables
in the RTM MODE extract.
CONTACT: If you have any questions, please contact your ERCOT Account Manager. You may also call the general ERCOT Client Services phone number at (512) 248-3900 or contact ERCOT Client Services via email
at [log in to unmask].
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