NOTICE DATE: May 31, 2012 NOTICE TYPE: M-C050112-03 REMINDER: Release – Retail: Texas SET V4.0 Implementation SHORT DESCRIPTION: Texas SET V4.0 market shutdown timeline and mandatory market calls INTENDED AUDIENCE: All Market Participants DAYS AFFECTED: 12:00 Friday, June 1, 2012 through 00:00 Monday, June 4, 2012 LONG DESCRIPTION: The details for the market shutdown for Texas SET Version 4.0 migration may be referenced in the Texas SET Version 4.0 Production Implementation Plan posted on the Market Coordination Team (MCT) Webpage of the ERCOT website ( The spreadsheet is also attached to this notice. Included in the implementation plan, as well as below, is the market conference call timeline. Friday, June 1, 2012 Time Task Entity 8:00 AM CRs suspend sending 814 transactions to ERCOT (both EDI and through retail portion of MIS) All CRs CRs begin using safety net process for as needed for submitting MVIs with a requested date of June 1 - June 5 All CRs CRs begin using emergency reconnect for non-payment spreadsheet process as needed for submitting reconnects for non-payment All CRs CRs suspend 814_PC transactions All CRs CRs suspend 650_01 transactions All CRs TDSPs suspend 650_04 transactions All TDSPs TDSPs suspend 814_20 transactions All TDSPs 9:00 AM TDSPs suspend 867s and 814 responses All TDSPs CRs suspend 824 transactions All CRs TDSPs suspend 814_PD transactions All TDSPs TDSPs suspend 650_02 transactions All TDSPs CRs suspend 650_05 transactions All CRs TDSPs to log MarkeTrak Issue with ERCOT for AMS initial load file (excludes Sharyland and Nueces) All TDSPs 10:00 AM Third Market Conference Call - ERCOT confirmation of transaction suspension. Update on transaction processing. All MPs 12:00 PM TDSPs suspend 810_02 (820_03MC) transactions All TDSPs CRs suspend 820_02 (810_03MC) transactions All CRs 997s suspended for all transactions All MPs ERCOT shuts down inbound and outbound processing and MarkeTrak ERCOT ERCOT sends out system shutdown email to market ERCOT ACTION REQUIRED: All LSEs and TDSPs must participate in the mandatory market calls. Please note the information below for specific dates and times for the mandatory market calls. The dial in number and pass code for all of the calls are the same. ERCOT requests that all participants from the same company dial in from a centralized location to make sure that lines are available for all market participants. Call dates and times are as follows: Tuesday, May 29, 14:00 CPT Thursday, May 31, 16:00 CPT Friday, June 1, 10:00 CPT Saturday, June 2, 12:00 CPT Saturday, June 2, 18:00 CPT Sunday, June 3, 10:00 CPT Meeting information To join the meetings, go to: ------------------------------------------------------- Topic: TX 4.0 Market Calls Meeting Number: 659 806 314 Meeting Password: Set4mc ------------------------------------------------------- Audio conference information Call-in toll-free number: 1-877-668-4493 Access code: 659 806 314 Muting Instructions: To ensure no interference with your call, please inform all parties of the following: A. If you are using a speaker phone, please mute the speaker. B. If you need to mute/un-mute your phone, press *6 C. If at any time you need operator assistance, press *0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For references to Texas SET V4.0 functionality for this release, please use the following link to the Market Coordination Team (MCT) webpage on the ERCOT website: During this outage the following functions will be affected: * Market participants utilizing NAESB to send/receive transactions to/from ERCOT will NOT be able to send/receive transactions to/from ERCOT during the outage. * 867 Transactions will NOT be forwarded during the outage. * 997 Functional Acknowledgements will NOT be sent during the outage. * MarkeTrak will be unavailable for the duration of the outage. * Retail components on MIS and the Retail API will not be available. * MPIM will not be available. * eService application will be unavailable on the Market Information System (MIS). * The following ERCOT internet services could potentially be affected and NOT available during this outage, including but not limited to: * Texas Renewables –<> · The following reports and extracts will be impacted due to the outage timeframe: o 997 Report EMIL ID: NP19-4 o Potential Load Loss Report EMIL ID:COMS-428 o Siebel Service Order Extract EMIL ID: COMS-163 o Market Participant Dispute Extract EMIL ID: NP9-515 o ERCOT Summary Dispute Report EMIL ID: NP9-592 The Data Definition Language (DDLs) for the TDSP ESIID Extract and the Siebel Service Order Extract have been posted at: The Document Type Definitions (DTDs) for the TDSP ESIID Extract and the Siebel Service Order Extract have been posted at: CONTACT: Listed below for your reference are the ERCOT business and technical contacts for Texas SET V4.0. Should you have any questions relating to your company’s Version 4.0 implementation plans, we suggest you contact your company’s Version 4.0 Market Coordination Team representative. ERCOT Market Liaison Gene Cervenka [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> 512.248.3903 (Office) 512.695.5199 (Cell) ERCOT Project Manager Leo Castillo [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> 512.248.4677 (Office) 214.797.1541 (Cell) ERCOT Sr. Data Analyst Kathryn Thurman [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> 512.248.6747 (Office) 512.636.6629 (Cell) Should you have any other questions, please contact your Retail Account Manager. You may also call the general ERCOT Client Services phone number at (512) 248-3900 or contact ERCOT Client Services via e-mail at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>. If you are receiving e-mail from an ERCOT distribution list that you no longer wish to receive, please follow this link in order to unsubscribe from this list:<>. JR/DH 316772 From: ERCOT Client Services Sent: Monday, May 21, 2012 1:41 PM To: [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask] Cc: [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask]; 1 ERCOT Client Service Reps Subject: M-C050112-02 UPDATE - Release – Retail: Texas SET V4.0 Implementation - 12:00 Friday, June 1, 2012 through 00:00 Monday, June 4, 2012 NOTICE DATE: May 21, 2012 NOTICE TYPE: M-C050112-02 UPDATE: Release – Retail: Texas SET V4.0 Implementation SHORT DESCRIPTION: Texas SET V4.0 market shutdown timeline and mandatory market calls INTENDED AUDIENCE: All Market Participants DAYS AFFECTED: 12:00 Friday, June 1, 2012 through 00:00 Monday, June 4, 2012 LONG DESCRIPTION: The details for the market shutdown for Texas SET Version 4.0 migration may be referenced in the Texas SET Version 4.0 Production Implementation Plan posted on the Market Coordination Team (MCT) Webpage of the ERCOT website ( The spreadsheet is also attached to this notice. Included in the implementation plan, as well as below, is the market conference call timeline. Friday, June 1, 2012 Time Task Entity 8:00 AM CRs suspend sending 814 transactions to ERCOT (both EDI and through retail portion of MIS) All CRs CRs begin using safety net process for as needed for submitting MVIs with a requested date of June 1 - June 5 All CRs CRs begin using emergency reconnect for non-payment spreadsheet process as needed for submitting reconnects for non-payment All CRs CRs suspend 814_PC transactions All CRs CRs suspend 650_01 transactions All CRs TDSPs suspend 650_04 transactions All TDSPs TDSPs suspend 814_20 transactions All TDSPs 9:00 AM TDSPs suspend 867s and 814 responses All TDSPs CRs suspend 824 transactions All CRs TDSPs suspend 814_PD transactions All TDSPs TDSPs suspend 650_02 transactions All TDSPs CRs suspend 650_05 transactions All CRs TDSPs to log MarkeTrak Issue with ERCOT for AMS initial load file (excludes Sharyland and Nueces) All TDSPs 10:00 AM Third Market Conference Call - ERCOT confirmation of transaction suspension. Update on transaction processing. All MPs 12:00 PM TDSPs suspend 810_02 (820_03MC) transactions All TDSPs CRs suspend 820_02 (810_03MC) transactions All CRs 997s suspended for all transactions All MPs ERCOT shuts down inbound and outbound processing and MarkeTrak ERCOT ERCOT sends out system shutdown email to market ERCOT ACTION REQUIRED: All LSEs and TDSPs must participate in the mandatory market calls. Please note the information below for specific dates and times for the mandatory market calls. The dial in number and pass code for all of the calls are the same. ERCOT requests that all participants from the same company dial in from a centralized location to make sure that lines are available for all market participants. Call dates and times are as follows: Tuesday, May 29, 14:00 CPT Thursday, May 31, 16:00 CPT Friday, June 1, 10:00 CPT Saturday, June 2, 12:00 CPT Saturday, June 2, 18:00 CPT Sunday, June 3, 10:00 CPT Meeting information To join the meetings, go to: ------------------------------------------------------- Topic: TX 4.0 Market Calls Meeting Number: 659 806 314 Meeting Password: Set4mc ------------------------------------------------------- Audio conference information Call-in toll-free number: 1-877-668-4493 Access code: 659 806 314 Muting Instructions: To ensure no interference with your call, please inform all parties of the following: A. If you are using a speaker phone, please mute the speaker. B. If you need to mute/un-mute your phone, press *6 C. If at any time you need operator assistance, press *0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For references to Texas SET V4.0 functionality for this release, please use the following link to the Market Coordination Team (MCT) webpage on the ERCOT website: During this outage the following functions will be affected: * Market participants utilizing NAESB to send/receive transactions to/from ERCOT will NOT be able to send/receive transactions to/from ERCOT during the outage. * 867 Transactions will NOT be forwarded during the outage. * 997 Functional Acknowledgements will NOT be sent during the outage. * MarkeTrak will be unavailable for the duration of the outage. * Retail components on MIS and the Retail API will not be available. * MPIM will not be available. * eService application will be unavailable on the Market Information System (MIS). * The following ERCOT internet services could potentially be affected and NOT available during this outage, including but not limited to: * Texas Renewables –<> · The following reports and extracts will be impacted due to the outage timeframe: o 997 Report EMIL ID: NP19-4 o Potential Load Loss Report EMIL ID:COMS-428 o Siebel Service Order Extract EMIL ID: COMS-163 o Market Participant Dispute Extract EMIL ID: NP9-515 o ERCOT Summary Dispute Report EMIL ID: NP9-592 The Data Definition Language (DDLs) for the TDSP ESIID Extract and the Siebel Service Order Extract have been posted at: The Document Type Definitions (DTDs) for the TDSP ESIID Extract and the Siebel Service Order Extract have been posted at: These DTDs will be effective upon implementation of TX SET 4.0. CONTACT: Listed below for your reference are the ERCOT business and technical contacts for Texas SET V4.0. Should you have any questions relating to your company’s Version 4.0 implementation plans, we suggest you contact your company’s Version 4.0 Market Coordination Team representative. ERCOT Market Liaison Gene Cervenka [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> 512.248.3903 (Office) 512.695.5199 (Cell) ERCOT Project Manager Leo Castillo [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> 512.248.4677 (Office) 214.797.1541 (Cell) ERCOT Sr. Data Analyst Kathryn Thurman [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> 512.248.6747 (Office) 512.636.6629 (Cell) Should you have any other questions, please contact your Retail Account Manager. You may also call the general ERCOT Client Services phone number at (512) 248-3900 or contact ERCOT Client Services via e-mail at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>. If you are receiving e-mail from an ERCOT distribution list that you no longer wish to receive, please follow this link in order to unsubscribe from this list:<>. JR/DH 316772 From: ERCOT Client Services Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2012 12:54 PM To: [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask] Cc: [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask]; 1 ERCOT Client Service Reps Subject: M-C050112-01 INITIAL: Release – Retail: Texas SET V4.0 Implementation - 12:00 Friday, June 1, 2012 through 00:00 Monday, June 4, 2012 NOTICE DATE: May 1, 2012 NOTICE TYPE: M-C050112-01 INITIAL: Release – Retail: Texas SET V4.0 Implementation SHORT DESCRIPTION: Texas SET V4.0 market shutdown timeline and mandatory market calls INTENDED AUDIENCE: All Market Participants DAY AFFECTED: 12:00 Friday, June 1, 2012 through 00:00 Monday, June 4, 2012 LONG DESCRIPTION: The details for the market shutdown for Texas SET Version 4.0 migration may be referenced in the Texas SET Version 4.0 Production Implementation Plan posted on the Market Coordination Team (MCT) Webpage of the ERCOT website ( Included in the implementation plan, as well as below, is the market conference call timeline. Friday, June 1, 2012 Time Task Entity 8:00 AM CRs suspend sending 814 transactions to ERCOT (both EDI and through Retail portion of MIS) All CRs CRs begin using Safety Net process for as needed for submitting MVIs with a requested date of June 1 - June 5 All CRs CRs begin using Emergency Reconnect for non-payment spreadsheet process as needed for submitting Reconnects for Non-Payment All CRs CRs suspend 814_PC transactions All CRs CRs suspend 650_01 transactions All CRs TDSPs suspend 650_04 transactions All TDSPs TDSPs suspend 814_20 transactions All TDSPs 9:00 AM TDSPs suspend 867s and 814 responses All TDSPs CRs suspend 824 transactions All CRs TDSPs suspend 814_PD transactions All TDSPs TDSPs suspend 650_02 transactions All TDSPs CRs suspend 650_05 transactions All CRs TDSPs to log MarkeTrak Issue with ERCOT for AMS Initial load file (excludes Sharyland and Nueces) All TDSPs 10:00 AM Third Market Conference Call - ERCOT confirmation of transaction suspension. Update on transaction processing. All MPs 12:00 PM TDSPs suspend 810_02 (820_03MC) transactions All TDSPs CRs suspend 820_02 (810_03MC) transactions All CRs 997s suspended for all transactions All MPs ERCOT shuts down inbound and outbound processing and MarkeTrak ERCOT ERCOT sends out System Shutdown email to market ERCOT ACTION REQUIRED: All LSEs and TDSPs must participate in the mandatory market calls. Please note the information below for specific dates and times for the mandatory market calls. The dial in number and pass code for all of the calls are the same. ERCOT requests that all participants from the same company dial in from a centralized location to make sure that lines are available for all market participants. Call dates and times are as follows: Tuesday, May 29, 14:00 CPT Thursday, May 31, 16:00 CPT Friday, June 1, 10:00 CPT Saturday, June 2, 12:00 CPT Saturday, June 2, 18:00 CPT Sunday, June 3, 10:00 CPT Meeting information To join the meetings, go to: ------------------------------------------------------- Topic: TX 4.0 Market Calls Meeting Number: 659 806 314 Meeting Password: Set4mc ------------------------------------------------------- Audio conference information Call-in toll-free number: 1-877-668-4493 Access code: 659 806 314 Muting Instructions: To ensure no interference with your call, please inform all parties of the following: A. If you are using a speaker phone, please mute the speaker. B. If you need to mute/un-mute your phone, press *6 C. If at any time you need operator assistance, press *0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For references to Texas SET V4.0 functionality for this release, please use the following link to the Market Coordination Team (MCT) webpage on the ERCOT website: During this outage the following functions will be affected: * Market participants utilizing NAESB to send/receive transactions to/from ERCOT will NOT be able to send/receive transactions to/from ERCOT during the outage. * 867 Transactions will NOT be forwarded during the outage. * 997 Functional Acknowledgements will NOT be sent during the outage. * MarkeTrak will be unavailable for the duration of the outage. * Retail Applications will be unavailable on both the Market Information System (MIS) and the Retail API. * eService application will be unavailable on the Market Information System (MIS). * The following ERCOT internet services could potentially be affected and NOT available during this outage, including but not limited to: * Texas Renewables –<> · The following reports and extracts will be impacted due to the outage timeframe: o 997 Report EMIL ID: NP19-4 o Potential Load Loss Report EMIL ID:COMS-428 o Siebel Service Order Extract EMIL ID: COMS-163 o Market Participant Dispute Extract EMIL ID: NP9-515 o ERCOT Summary Dispute Report EMIL ID: NP9-592 · The draft version of the TX SET 4.0 Data Definition Language (DDLs) for the TDSP ESIID Extract and the Siebel Service Order Extract have been posted in the Key Documents section of the MCT page. o<>. NOTE: The final version of these DDLs will be posted to the Services Page of the Market Information System (MIS) and CONTACT: Listed below for your reference are the ERCOT business and technical contacts for Texas SET V4.0. Should you have any questions relating to your company’s Version 4.0 implementation plans, we suggest you contact your company’s Version 4.0 Market Coordination Team representative. ERCOT Market Liaison Gene Cervenka [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> 512.248.3903 (Office) 512.695.5199 (Cell) ERCOT Project Manager Leo Castillo [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> 512.248.4677 (Office) 214.797.1541 (Cell) ERCOT Sr. Data Analyst Kathryn Thurman [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> 512.248.6747 (Office) 512.636.6629 (Cell) Should you have any other questions, please contact your Retail Account Manager. You may also call the general ERCOT Client Services phone number at (512) 248-3900 or contact ERCOT Client Services via e-mail at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>. If you are receiving e-mail from an ERCOT distribution list that you no longer wish to receive, please follow this link in order to unsubscribe from this list:<>. JR/CD 316772