NOTICE DATE:  May 7, 2012

NOTICE TYPE:  M-A050712-01 Legal

SHORT DESCRIPTION:  ERCOT solicits comments on two draft documents that will govern the administration of a proposed 30-Minute ERS pilot project


DAY AFFECTED:  May 21, 2012

LONG DESCRIPTION:  At its upcoming Open Meeting on May 18, 2012, the Public Utility Commission of Texas is expected to consider approving amendments to its rules that would authorize ERCOT to conduct pilot projects. If these amendments are adopted, ERCOT Staff will soon propose that the ERCOT Board of Directors approve a pilot project to study the costs and benefits of an Emergency Response Service (ERS) product with a 30-minute ramp period (“30-Minute ERS”). ERCOT expects to formally present this proposal to the Board at its June meeting. If the Board approves this proposal at that meeting, ERCOT expects to commence procurement shortly thereafter in anticipation of the service being provided starting July 15, 2012.   

The administration of the pilot project will be governed by the attached Governing Document for 30-Minute Emergency Response Service (“Governing Document”), currently in draft form. To ensure that this document addresses all necessary concerns, ERCOT requests that interested Market Participants review this draft and provide ERCOT with any comments, substantive or otherwise. ERCOT also requests comments on the attached draft QSE Agreement for the 30-Minute ERS pilot. 

ACTION REQUIRED:  All comments on these drafts should be submitted to [log in to unmask] by May 21, 2012.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:  ERCOT intends to post all comments to a new page on the ERCOT website that will be dedicated solely to pilot projects. ERCOT will issue a Market Notice when this page is available. ERCOT will discuss comments received at the June 1, 2012, Demand Side Working Group and will post any updates to these draft documents on the pilot project webpage. 

CONTACT:  If you have any questions, please contact either Chad V. Seely, Assistant General Counsel, at (512) 225-7035 or [log in to unmask], or Nathan Bigbee, Corporate Counsel, at (512) 225-7093 or [log in to unmask].

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