NOTICE DATE:  December 8, 2012 

NOTICE TYPE:  M-A120312-12 Outage – Retail/Wholesale

SHORT DESCRIPTION:  UPDATE – Restoration of ERCOT systems and postings


DAYS AFFECTED:  December 3, 2012, to current

LONG DESCRIPTION:  Attached is an updated list of the out of compliance postings, which includes the actual and expected dates for each posting. Note that the expected date represents the date on which the posting should have occurred under normal processing. ERCOT will provide daily updates throughout the weekend as additional postings are completed.  

The Settlement Inputs Data Extract and the Public Reference Data Extract (PRDE) scheduled to be posted on December 7, 2012, were posted with incomplete data. The incorrect postings have been removed and corrected postings were made on December 8, 2012. The extracts that were originally scheduled to be posted on December 8 were successfully posted on December 8, before the December 7 files were re-posted. See the table below for more details. These corrections are also noted in the attached list of postings.



Expected Posting Date

Actual Posting Date

Settlement Inputs Data Extract

Incorrect Posting (Removed from MIS)


12/7/2012 19:16:38 (removed from MIS)

Public Reference Data Extract (PRDE)

Incorrect Posting (Removed from MIS)


12/7/2012 18:58:18 (removed from MIS)

Settlement Inputs Data Extract

Correct Posting


12/8/2012 12:16:35

Public Reference Data Extract (PRDE)

Correct Posting


12/8/2012 10:28:24

Settlement Inputs Data Extract

Corrected 12/7 Posting


12/8/2012 15:46:14

Public Reference Data Extract (PRDE)

Corrected 12/7 Posting


12/8/2012 15:43:16


Settlement Dispute due dates will need to be re-set as a result of the data necessary for shadow Settlements. ERCOT will post new dates and will provide details in a Market Notice when the necessary data has been posted.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:  The following system is still unavailable:

·        Market Operations Test Environment (MOTE)

CONTACT:  If you have any questions, please contact your ERCOT Account Manager. You may also call the general ERCOT Client Services phone number at (512) 248-3900 or contact ERCOT Client Services via email at [log in to unmask].

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