NOTICE DATE:  February 5, 2013

NOTICE TYPE:  R-A020513-01 Legal Notification

SHORT DESCRIPTION:  Pursuant to PUC Rule, ERCOT is requesting data from Load-Serving Entities related to Dynamic Pricing and Demand Response capabilities of their customers.

INTENDED AUDIENCE:  Load Serving Entities

DAY AFFECTED:  June 15, 2013 (snapshot); August 1, 2013 (files due at ERCOT)

LONG DESCRIPTION:  Pursuant to  PUC Subst. Rule §25.505(e) (5), “Load serving entities (LSEs) shall provide ERCOT with complete information on load response capabilities that are self-arranged or pursuant to bilateral agreements between LSEs and their customers”

ERCOT is requesting that Retail Electric Providers (REPs) analyze their retail dynamic pricing and demand response-related products and associate each ESIID enrolled in the products into the categories listed and described in the attached technical specification document.  Collecting premise-level data on retail products will allow ERCOT to perform statistical analysis in an effort to quantify retail demand response and track trends.

All LSEs are required to report load response capabilities pursuant to the PUC Rule.  However, the audience for this market notice is limited to REPs, who are instructed to confirm their intentions to report load response capabilities for the June 2013 snapshot.  ERCOT will send a future notice to Non-opt In LSEs with reporting instructions.  ERCOT provides an online survey format for REPs to confirm their intentions.

·         REPs are required to respond to the survey by February 28, 2013 to indicate whether they currently have or expect to have the relevant retail products to report on for the June 15, 2013 snapshot. Please find the survey at the following link:

·         REPs that do not have programs will not have to submit a file.

·         REPs that have ESIIDs enrolled in the named products shall create and submit to ERCOT a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file via NAESB

·         First file will be a snapshot representing ESIIDs enrolled in these retail products as of 06/15/2013.

·         Target date for submission of the completed file to ERCOT 08/01/2013.

·         File format and data elements are defined in the attached technical specification document.

·         If an ESIID is enrolled in a product with a definition that spans multiple categories, the REP should list the ESIID multiple times in the file, once for each category


ACTION REQUIRED:  REPs shall create and submit to ERCOT a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file via NAESB by August 1, 2013.


ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Information provided as requested will be treated as Protected Information in accordance with Section 1.3, Confidentiality, of the ERCOT Protocols.

CONTACT:  If you have any questions, please contact your ERCOT Account Manager. You may also call the general ERCOT Client Services phone number at (512) 248-3900 or contact ERCOT Client Services via email at [log in to unmask].

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