NOTICE DATE:  June 5, 2013

NOTICE TYPE:  M-A060513-01 Outage Retail/Wholesale


INTENDED AUDIENCE:  All Market Participants

DAY AFFECTED:  June 5, 2013

LONG DESCRIPTION:  The Market Participant Identity Management (MPIM) system experienced an unplanned outage due to a database issue from approximately 10:50 AM - 12:55 PM today.  Market Participant User Security Administrators (USAs) were unable to issue or revoke certificates and adjust roles, but users were able to renew certificates during that time.

CONTACT:  If you have any questions, please contact your ERCOT Account Manager. You may also call the general ERCOT Client Services phone number at (512) 248-3900 or contact ERCOT Client Services via email at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.

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