Good morning- At its February meeting, ROS endorsed a scope for the Outage Coordination Working Group (OCWG). As we continue the transition from a task force to a working group, ERCOT will establish a web page and email listserv for the OCWG. David Ricketts from Vistra has offered to serve as Vice Chair of the working group, and his nomination will be reviewed by ROS on Thursday. Attached is a revised version of the HITE Methodology document including the desktop edits made at the January OCITF meeting. During its March meeting, I will request ROS' endorsement of the updated methodology. Generally, the changes reflect the transition of the task force to a working group plus the process changes described in the timeline/flowchart posted to the January 23rd OCITF meeting page. Thanks and please stay tuned. Martha Henson OCWG Chair [log in to unmask] 214-536-9004

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