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NOTICE DATE:  September 26, 2017

NOTICE TYPE:  W-A092617-01 Operations

SHORT DESCRIPTION:  ERCOT MOTE will be open for DST testing

INTENDED AUDIENCE: QSE operations personnel

DAY AFFECTED:  October 9 through October 13, 2017

LONG DESCRIPTION:  The ERCOT Market Operations Test Environment (MOTE) will be available for Market Participant Daylight Saving Time (DST) testing as listed in the table below.  Note that there is one period for testing this year.  The testing period will be from Monday through Friday and will follow the simulated times shown in the table.


Simulated time

MOTE system DST Testing

10/9/17 2:00 PM

11/3/17 2:00 AM

MOTE Servers Normal Time change to DST Time

10/9/17 4:00 PM

11/3/17 4:00 AM

Start testing QSE submissions for next 7 days including Long Day 11/05/2017 Operating Day

10/9/17 10:00 PM

11/3/17 10:00 AM

DAM close for Operating Day 11/04/2017

10/10/17 10:00 PM

11/4/17 10:00 AM

DAM close for Operating Day 11/05/2017(Long DST Day )

10/11/17 2:00 PM

11/5/17 2:00 AM

DST Transition Time

10/11/17 3:00 PM

11/5/17 2:00*AM

DST Repeated Hour

10/11/17 11:00 PM

11/5/17 10:00 AM

DAM close for Operating Day 11/06/2017

10/13/17 2:00 PM

11/7/17 1:00 AM

Close of Test and MOTE Servers DST Time Change to Normal Time


ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:  For information regarding submissions, including Daylight Saving Time requirements, please refer to the latest version of the EIP External Interface Specifications v1.20H document for use of the External Web Services (EWS) found in the Wholesale section of the http://www.ercot.com/services/mdt/xsds/ webpage. The most recent External Web Services XSD may also be found in the same location.

During testing, the URL for XML submissions will be: https://testingapi.ercot.com/2007-08/Nodal/eEDS/EWS/.

The URL for UI submissions will be: https://testing.ercot.com/mmsui/mmsui/displayTradesLanding.action.

The following are examples of how the Long DST Day November 5, 2017 are labeled:



0200 (Normal Hour)

0200* (Repeated Hour)





The MOTE MPIM application will be unavailable for the duration of the DST testing.

CONTACT:  If you have any questions, please contact your ERCOT Account Manager. You may also call the general ERCOT Client Services phone number at (512) 248-3900 or contact ERCOT Client Services via email at [log in to unmask].

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