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NOTICE DATE:  January 18, 2018

NOTICE TYPE:  M-A011618-02 Operations


SHORT DESCRIPTION:  TCEQ Notice of enforcement discretion on air permitting requirements during a power emergency

INTENDED AUDIENCE:  QSEs with Resources, Resource Entities

DAY AFFECTED:  January 18, 2018

LONG DESCRIPTION:  Due to improving system conditions resulting from warmer temperatures returning throughout the ERCOT Region, ERCOT has ended its request with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for enforcement discretion for power generating facilities, as detailed in Market Notice M-A011618-01.  Effective immediately, TCEQ has confirmed the end of enforcement discretion for power generating facilities.

CONTACT:  If a QSE or Resource Entity has any questions concerning this Market Notice, please contact Chad V. Seely, ERCOT General Counsel, at (512) 225-7035.

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NOTICE DATE:  January 16, 2018

NOTICE TYPE:  M-A011618-01 Operations


SHORT DESCRIPTION:  TCEQ Notice of enforcement discretion on air permitting requirements during a power emergency.

INTENDED AUDIENCE:  QSEs with Resources, Resource Entities

DAY AFFECTED:  January 16, 2018, until further notice

LONG DESCRIPTION:  ERCOT expects significant high load at tomorrow morning’s peak, January 17, due to historic high usage and continued very low temperatures throughout the ERCOT Region.  The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) has communicated to ERCOT that, effectively immediately, TCEQ will use its enforcement discretion for power generating facilities during this event.  Power generating facilities are authorized for maximum emission limits.  If/when increased generation is requested, TCEQ will exercise enforcement discretion for exceedances of emission and operational limits of power generating plants for Generators who exceed air permit limits in order to maximize generation for the duration of the event. 

Any Generator who will exceed its air permit limits during the event should provide a notice of this action to Kelly Cook ([log in to unmask]), Director of Critical Infrastructure Division (preferably by email).  Unless ERCOT or TCEQ provides Notice otherwise, the period of enforcement discretion will end when ERCOT declares that it is no longer in this event.

CONTACT:  If a QSE or Resource Entity has any questions concerning this Notice, please contact Chad V. Seely, ERCOT General Counsel, at (512) 225-7035.

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