Attached is the updated agenda for the meeting, and following is the proposed schedule for the presentations.


Michael Juricek, P.E.

Senior Manager, Transmission Planning

Assets Planning Distribution and Transmission
Oncor Electric Delivery Co LLC
Office: 214.743.6671
Mobile: 214.490.0748

1.      NERC Update on GMD Activities– NERC Staff (20 minutes)

2.      U.S. Department of Energy Initiatives – John Ostrich, U.S. DoE (15 minutes)

3.      Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) Update – Chris Balch, NOAA SWPC (15 minutes)

4.      Panel Discussion: TPL-007 Implementation and Preliminary Results (10 minutes each presenter, 60 minutes total with discussion)

a.       Ian Grant - Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

b.      Justin Michlig - Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) –

c.       Rui Sun – Dominion

d.      Michael Juricek – Oncor Electric Delivery (remote)

5.      Panel Discussion: Considering GMD-related Harmonics in GMD Vulnerability Assessments (10-15 minutes each presenter)

a.       EPRI Recommended Guidelines for Assessing GMD-related Harmonics – Bob Arritt, EPRI

b.      Harmonic Impacts to Protective Relaying - Karl Zimmerman, Principal Engineer, SEL

6.      American Transmission Company, LLC, Experience with Geomagnetically-Induced Current Blocking Device – David Wojtczak, ATC LLC (remote) (20 minutes)

7.      EPRI GMD Supplemental Project Status Update – Bob Arritt, EPRI Project Lead, EPRI and NERC Staff (60 minutes)

8.      Research Community Updates (15 minutes each presenter, 60 minutes total with discussion)

a.       Earthscope and NSF SMART Grid Project Update – Adam Schultz, Oregon State University

b.      U.S. Geological Survey Update – Jeffrey Love, USGS, and Greg Lucas, USGS

9.      NERC Rules of Procedure Section 1600 Data Request Update and Next Steps – NERC Staff (20 minutes)

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