Hello Walter,
Thanks for putting the language together! I have a few suggestions.
The language could be as follows
The QSE for a Limited Duration Resource
that already has a valid Energy Offer Curve accepted by ERCOT may submit an updated Energy Offer Curve for the remainder of the Operating Hour. The update must be submitted
less than five (5) minutes before and at least one (1) minurte before the next five (5) minute SCED interval in which the new Offer Curve shall be effective.
If the new Offer Curve is not deemed to be valid, then the existing offer curve for that Operating Hour will be used and ERCOT will notify the QSE of the invalid curve. The Mitigated Offer Cap and the Mitigated Offer Floor shall be the same as previously
determined for that operating period.
From: Detelich, David J. <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2019 2:01 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: FW: [InternetMail]Re: 915 vs intra hour offers vs both
See Walter’s email below. If you have comments, please send them to Walter or the list serv this week. We can also discuss this during the WMWG report out at
the WMS meeting.
Thank you,
David J. Detelich PE
CPS Energy | 145 Navarro San Antonio, Texas 78205
office.210.353.3037 | mobile.210.215.6342 |
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From: Walter Reid [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2019 12:16 PM
To: Detelich, David J. <[log in to unmask]>;
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Subject: [InternetMail]Re: 915 vs intra hour offers vs both
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David, please post/distribute this as needed. I am headed toward submitting an NPRR before further discussion at WMS or WMWG in an effort to move this along. I request all addressees to
provide feedback and critique as to wording as well as the advisability of submitting the NPRR right away; I do not want to derail the support by moving too fast. There are many different ideas for packaging several initiatives together, several ideas that
might simplify implementation, as well as specific wording changes needed to get this right; I would like to limit the discussion of the draft to the next few days and then I intend to submit the NPRR so all the discussion can be captured in the NPRR process
rather than verbally and e-mails in many forums. I will be discussing this with the Advanced Power Alliance (APA) membership on a call this afternoon and will then be seeking permission to submit an NPRR sponsored by APA by the end of the week.
I've attached proposed wording for near real time Energy Offer Curve updates. The draft NPRR incorporates two of the three related topics discussed yesterday; changes to the Limited Duration
Resource (LDR) definition and then wording to allow LDRs to change their Energy Offer Curve near real time. I believe we needed to respond to the IMM and others that wanted to limit the real time offer curve update to storage type devices. I believed I had
to either rely on the yet to be approved definition of a Energy Storage Resource (ESR) or to use a modified version of LDR; I chose the latter since it got two issues addressed together but I would be happy to separate them into two NPRRs to get the 915 modifications
moving faster.
The third issue raised was the need for a new Resource Status that would indicate not available for SCED but available for Ancillary Services. I have attached the pertinent section of the
Protocols and invite those with definitive ideas of what is needed to start the conversation by adding in your suggestions. My initial thinking is that any new Resource Status would be addressed in a new NPRR and not be rolled up into the one currently being
Walter J. Reid
Phone: 512-335-0664
[log in to unmask]
Austin, Texas 78732
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