NOTICE DATE: May 10, 2021
NOTICE TYPE: W-A051021-01 Settlements
SHORT DESCRIPTION: Short Payments for Failure to Make Invoice Payments
INTENDED AUDIENCE: QSE and CRRAH Settlement Personnel
DAY AFFECTED: Settlement Invoices due for payout on May 10, 2021
LONG DESCRIPTION: Qualified Scheduling Entities (QSEs) and Congestion Revenue Right Account Holders (CRRAHs) that are owed monies from ERCOT on Settlement Invoices due for payout on May 10, 2021, will notice that the amount of funds transferred is short of the balance payable on the Settlement Invoices.
ERCOT initiates the short payment procedure when a Market Participant fails to make a complete payment for Settlement Invoices. The table below identifies Market Participants that failed to make full payments for Settlement Invoices that were due on May 07, 2021.
In accordance with ERCOT Protocol Section 9.19, ERCOT will draw from available Financial Security provided by short-paying Market Participants. Funds received from Financial Security will be allocated to short paid Invoice Recipients as soon as possible. Furthermore, ERCOT will deduct any applicable ERCOT Administrative fees, payments for Reliability-Must-Run (RMR) services, and the CRR Balancing Account from the amount received, and then reduce payments to all Invoice Recipients owed monies. The reductions will be made on a pro-rata basis of monies owed to each ERCOT creditor to the extent necessary to clear ERCOT's accounts on the payment date to ensure revenue neutrality for ERCOT.
Please note that in addition to the short payments detailed in the table below, the short payment amount that would have been charged to Denton Municipal Electric and CPS Energy has been reallocated among all other short-paid Invoice Recipients.
Invoice Payout Date: |
May 10, 2021 |
Operating Dates: |
DAM 05/03/2021 |
RTM Initial 04/30/2021 |
RTM Final 03/11/2021 RTM Trueup 11/06/2020 |
Total Amount Short to Market: |
$7.91 |
Denton Municipal Electric Reallocated Short-Pay : |
$0.03 |
CPS Energy Reallocated Short-Pay |
$0.25 |
Total Amount Paid Out to Market: |
$19,370,871.30 |
Invoice Recipient |
Total Amount of Short Pay |
Brazos Electric Power COOP INC |
$7.91 |
CONTACT: If you have any questions, please contact your ERCOT Account Manager. You may also call the general ERCOT Client Services phone number at (512) 248-3900 or contact ERCOT Client Services via email at [log in to unmask].
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