NOTICE DATE: December 6, 2021
NOTICE TYPE: M-A110321-02 Education/Training
SHORT DESCRIPTION: 2021 Winter Load Shed Exercise Agenda
DAYS AFFECTED: December 9, 2021
LONG DESCRIPTION: ERCOT will conduct a Winter Load Shed Tabletop Exercise required by Senate Bill 3, codified in the Texas Public Utility Regulatory Act (PURA) Section 38.077, on December 9, 2021 from 13:00 - 17:00 CST. This exercise will be offered virtually via WebEx for providers of electric generation service and transmission and distribution service in the ERCOT region.
WebEx Link:
Meeting number:182 748 4868
13:00-13:15 |
Welcome/Cover Objectives |
John Jarmon - ERCOT |
13:15-13:45 |
2021 Load Shed RFI Summary |
Alex Lee - ERCOT |
13:45-15:15 |
ERCOT Notification Review and EEA/Loadshed Tabletop Exercise |
John Jarmon - ERCOT |
15:15-15:30 |
Break |
15:30-16:30 |
ONCOR Load Shed Philosophy |
Manual Sanchez - ONCOR |
16:30-17:00 |
Severe Weather with Load Shed |
Nathaniel Perio - Centerpoint |
ACTION REQUIRED: For reporting purposes and to aid in facilitation, please register for the event at: by 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, December 8. No fees will be charged for this exercise as no Continuing Education Hours (CEHs) will be awarded.
NOTE to TO's: Please pass along this information to any distribution companies/municipalities/cooperatives that you work with in real-time during a load-shed emergency.
CONTACT: If you have any questions, please contact your ERCOT Account Manager. You may also call the general ERCOT Client Services phone number at (512) 248-3900 or contact ERCOT Client Services via email at [log in to unmask].
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