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Yesterday at ROS, ROS voted to disband PGDTF as the responsibilities have now all been transferred to other working groups. The modeling responsibilities have been transferred to SSWG and the studies will continue to be done by ERCOT Planning and reviewed at RPG. We will be archiving both the public and restricted PGDTF liservs.


For those TSP representatives involved in GMD model building please sign up for the new listserv [log in to unmask] that will be used by SSWG to coordinate the GMD model builds. As a reminder the next GMD model build will start in the second half of 2023.


If you have any questions, please let me know.








Eric Meier

Supervisor - Model Administration

2705 West Lake Drive

Taylor, Texas 76574

[log in to unmask]

O: 512-248-6770

C: 203-465-8979




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