Folks, here is the draft agenda for our meeting this Friday. Please send a note if there are additional items we need to add by noon tomorrow for official posting on the 11/18 WMWG page:
- Antitrust Admonition,
- Review of Standing Reports, WMWG Group Discussion
- NPRR 1149, Implementation of Systematic Ancillary Service Failed Quantity Charges, ERCOT/Pamela Shaw
- Review adder payments to Storage resources, ERCOT/Blake Holt
- NPRR 1143, Provide ERCOT Flexibility to Determine When ESRs May Charge During an EEA Level 3, WMWG Discussion, ERCOT/Brandt Vermillion
- ESR Operations Issues (telemetry setup, transitions during deployment, Stat of Charge for AS), ERCOT/Nitika Mago
- NPRR 1145, Use of State Estimator-Calculated ERCOT-Wide Transmission Loss Factors (TLFs) in Lieu of Seasonal Base Case ERCOT-Wide TLFs for Settlement, ERCOT/Randy Roberts
- Review correlation analysis
- Review UFE allocation lookback
- Other Business
Bryan Sams
Vice President, Government and Regulatory Affairs
Cell: (512) 632-4870
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