NOTICE DATE: September 29, 2023
NOTICE TYPE: W-A092923-01 Operations
SHORT DESCRIPTION: EMS Upgrade Project Closed Loop Testing
DAYS AFFECTED: October 12, 2023, 10:30 – 15:00 CPT
LONG DESCRIPTION: ERCOT will be performing an EMS Upgrade Project Closed Loop Testing on Thursday, October 12, 2023 wherein, ERCOT Control Room will utilize an upgraded Energy Management System (EMS) in place of the existing EMS in the Production Environment for grid operations. Closed Loop Testing will be performed for a 4 hour period between 10:35 and 14:35 CPT.
During the EMS Upgrade Project Closed Loop testing:
- The current ICCP System will be used and will be recycled at the start and completion of the closed loop testing.
- The current Production EMS will be disconnected from existing ICCP, Market Management System (MMS), Settlements, Market Information System (MIS), and other downstream systems.
- The upgraded EMS will receive Telemetry from Market Participants through the existing ICCP systems.
- The upgraded EMS will monitor and control the grid frequency and provide data to MMS, Settlements Systems, MIS, EDW and other downstream systems and applications.
- The upgraded EMS will send Regulation signals, Base Points, Updated Desired Base Points (UDBPs), and resource-specific Locational Marginal Prices (LMPs) to Market Participants through existing ICCP systems.
- The Real Time EMS data from this Closed Loop Testing will be archived in ERCOT's PI historian.
- The current System Operations Test Environment (SOTE) system will be available for Transmission Service Providers (TSPs) for their STNET studies. The upgraded SOTE system will not be available for this test.
Note: The EMS Upgrade Project system switchover activities are scheduled to begin at approximately 10:35 CPT and switchback activities are scheduled at 14:35 CPT; however, the actual start and completion times may be delayed depending on system conditions at that time. A Hotline call to Market Participants will be executed prior to the start and following the completion of the Closed Loop Testing.
Impacts during Production Closed Loop Testing period:
- MMS – Security Constrained Economic Dispatch (SCED)/Look Ahead SCED applications may be unavailable for 3 SCED intervals from 10:40 to 10:55 CPT during the transition from current Production EMS to Upgraded EMS.
- MMS - SCED/Look Ahead SCED applications may be unavailable again for 3 SCED intervals from 14:40 to14:550 CPT during the transition back to current Production EMS system.
- Base Points from SCED may not be created from 10:40 to 10:55 CPT and from 14:40 to 14:55 CPT. During these periods, Qualified Scheduling Entities (QSEs) with Resources may be required to follow Emergency Base Points from ERCOT Load Frequency Control.
- SCED Real-Time LMPs may not be calculated and published from 10:40 to 10:55 CPT and from 14:40 to 14:55 CPT.
- 15-minute Real-Time Settlement Point Prices (RTSPPs) may not be calculated and published during the 10:40 to 10:55 CPT time frame and again during 14:40 to14:55 CPT time frame. MMS will calculate and publish the RTSPPs for these durations once the Closed Loop testing is completed.
- The MIS Public Area dashboards and displays will not be populated with data during the transition.
- The following current day reports containing SCED/Real-Time Dispatch (RTD)/LMP/SPP data may be unavailable during the transitions from 10:40 to 10:55 CPT and from 14:400 to 14:55 CPT.
- SCED and RTD Reports
- Network Security Analysis (NSA) Active and Inactive Constraint Reports
- State Estimator Reports
- Real-Time Dynamic Rating Data Reports
- Wind Power Production -- 5-minute Averaged Actual values
- Solar Power Production – 5-minute Averaged Actual values
ACTION REQUIRED: QSEs with Resources may be instructed to follow Emergency Base Points during the transitions of the EMS.
CONTACT: If you have any questions, please contact your ERCOT Account Manager. You may also call the general ERCOT Client Services phone number at (512) 248-3900 or contact ERCOT Client Services via email at [log in to unmask].
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