NOTICE DATE: December 5, 2023
NOTICE TYPE: M-B112223-02 General
SHORT DESCRIPTION: ERCOT to release new Energy Storage Resource Dashboard and Integration Report and Implementation Details of SCR822
INTENDED AUDIENCE: All Market Participants
DAYS AFFECTED: December 6, 2023
LONG DESCRIPTION: ERCOT will implement System Change Request (SCR) 822, Create Daily Energy Storage Integration Report and Dashboard, on December 6, 2023. In response to Market Participant requests and ERCOT’s commitment to providing accurate and relevant data, ERCOT is releasing a new Energy Storage Resources (ESRs) dashboard and integration report to Wednesday, December 6, 2023 by 7:00 p.m.
The ESR dashboard and integration report will contain components that were approved in SCR822. The ESR dashboard will provide a graphical representation of total discharging, total charging, and net output from ESRs using real-time telemetered data. Total discharging is a positive value and reflects the total MWs that ESRs injected into the grid. Total charging is a negative value and reflects the total MWs that ESRs consumed from the grid. Net output is calculated as the sum of total discharging and total charging. The data will be updated every 5 minutes. Users will be able to access 5- minute average values for total discharging, total charging, and net output from both the current day and the previous day in this dashboard. The ESR dashboard will be accessible from the Grid and Market Conditions page.
The new daily ESR Integration Report (EMIL ID NP4-765-ER | Report ID 23794) will include aggregated installed capacity, percentage of contribution to total system load, and statistics on production during peak load for the ERCOT system. The ESR Integration Report will be accessible from the Generation page.
ACTION REQUIRED: Upon first visit after this release, it may be necessary to refresh the browser or clear the browser’s cache for the new dashboard to properly display.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: SCR822 and associated documents can be found on the ERCOT website.
CONTACT: If you have any questions, please contact your ERCOT Account Manager. You may also call the general ERCOT Client Services phone number at (512) 248-3900 or contact ERCOT Client Services via email at [log in to unmask].
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