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"Ragsdale, Kenneth" <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 14 Sep 2020 13:29:35 +0000
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Hello BESTF Participants,

Thanks again for your participation in Friday's meeting and your patience with the Webex issues.  Below is a quick summary and information on how and when we need your input on several documents.  Note that for 5 documents described below, the plan is to request a "recommendation for approval" at the Oct 15 PRS meeting.

1)      NPRR 1014  Energy Storage Resource Single Model:

a.       Before Friday's BESTF meeting ERCOT filed comments reflecting the consensus language developed during the previous BESTF meetings.

b.      The latest version, reflecting BESTF consensus, is posted at

c.       At Friday's BESTF meeting, Single Model Emergency Settlement language was reviewed and the BESTF reached consensus on this language. It will be added to NPRR 1014.

                                                               i.      The plan is for ERCOT to fold this Single Model Emergency Settlement language and RTC language into a "RTC-BES synchronized version" of NPRR 1014.

d.      The expectation is that Market Participants (if necessary) file comments on top of the "RTC-BES synchronized version," currently targeted to be posted on or around Sept. 29.

e.      The plan is for the "RTC-BES synchronized version" and Market Participant comments on NPRR 1014 be considered at Oct. 15 PRS meeting, provided we can reach consensus on some of the remaining sections at RTCTF that overlaps with NPRR 1014.

2)      NPRR 1029  DC-Coupled Resources:

a.       At Friday's BESTF meeting we stepped through all the sections of NPRR 1029 and the BESTF reached consensus on NPRR 1029.

b.      The latest version, reflecting BESTF consensus, is posted at:

c.       ERCOT is planning to file comments this week on NPRR 1029 that will reflect the consensus language from today's BESTF meeting.

d.      The plan is to request a recommendation for approval of NPRR 1029 at the Oct. 15 PRS meeting.

3)       NPRR 1043:  Clarification of NPRR 986 Language Related to WSL:

a.       This NPRR was discussed at the BESTF meeting Friday. BESTF requested additional time to review; the NPRR will be discussed again at the Sept. 29 BESTF meeting.

b.      The most recent version of the document is posted at:

c.       By COB Sept. 22, please provide comments on the document at the link above and/or reach out to Sandip Sharma ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) and Kenneth Ragsdale ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>)  if necessary.

d.      The plan is to discuss and work to get BESTF consensus on NPRR 1043 at the Sept. 29 BESTF meeting.

e.      The plan is to also request a recommendation for approval of NPRR 1043 at the Oct. 15 PRS meeting.

4)       NPRR 1026:  Self-Limiting Facilities and Self-Limiting Resources:

a.       This NPRR was not discussed at the BESTF meeting Friday.  The BESTF reached consensus on NPRR 1026 at the Aug. 14 BESTF meeting.  However, it was noted that at last Thursday's PRS meeting that there was a brief discussion on the definition of Self-Limiting Facility.  Contact Sandip Sharma ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) to participate in additional editing of this definition.

b.      The most recent version of the document is posted at:

c.       ERCOT is planning to prepare ERCOT comments, reflecting an improved definition, prior to the Sept. 29 BESTF meeting.  The plan is to have a final BESTF review/confirmation at the Sept. 29 BESTF meeting.

d.      The plan is to also request a recommendation for approval of NPRR 1026 at the Oct. 15 PRS meeting.

5)      PGRR 081: Related to NPRR1026, BESTF-7 Self-Limiting Facilities:

a.       The BESTF reached consensus on PGRR 081 Friday.

b.      The latest version is posted at:

c.       ERCOT is planning to file comments next week on PGRR 081 that will reflect the consensus developed at today's BESTF meeting.

d.      The plan is to also request a recommendation for approval of PGRR 081 at the Oct 15 PRS meeting.

6)      NPRR 995: RTF-6 Create Definition and Terms for Settlement Only Energy Storage:

a.       At Friday's BESTF meeting it was noted that ERCOT comments were posted on Thursday Sep. 10  and ERCOT went through a slide deck describing the ERCOT comments.

b.      Here is the link to the ERCOT comments:

c.       The plan is to have more discussion on the "generation accumulator" at the Sept. 29 BESTF, and the NPRR will likely be considered at the Oct. 7 WMS meeting.

The next BESTF meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2020.

The draft agenda for the Sept. 29 BESTF meeting includes the following:

1.       Review and confirm the improved definition for Self-Limiting Facility in NPRR 1026.

2.       Discuss and work to get BESTF consensus on NPRR 1043.

3.       Provide an update on the timing for Market Participants to submit comments on the "RTC-BES synchronized version" of NPRR 1014.

4.       Step through a few simple illustrative examples on the "generation accumulator concept in NPRR 995.

Please don't hesitate to contact us.


Kenneth Ragsdale


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