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ERCOT Client Services <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 14 Jan 2019 22:43:27 +0000
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NOTICE DATE:  January 14, 2019

NOTICE TYPE:  M-B011419-01 Legal

SHORT DESCRIPTION:  Notice of ERCOT’s intent to execute coordination plans with Southwest Power Pool, Inc. (SPP) and Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc. (MISO).



LONG DESCRIPTION:  In order to update and clarify operating procedures concerning shared assets, including Switchable Generation Resources (SWGRs), Block Load Transfers (BLTs), and Direct Current Ties (DC Ties), ERCOT, SPP, and MISO conducted a thorough review of the existing coordination documents entered into by ERCOT and SPP in 2014, and ERCOT and MISO in 2013.  The primary objective of the review was to ensure reliability-based actions involving shared assets are facilitated as reliably and expeditiously as possible in the event of Emergency Conditions.  As a result of the review, ERCOT and SPP prepared a draft ERCOT-SPP Coordination Plan, and ERCOT and MISO prepared a draft ERCOT-MISO Coordination Plan.  The coordination plans do not create any legal obligations, but instead establish mutually agreeable operational procedures with respect to shared assets.

In connection with Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) 886, Agreements between ERCOT and other Control Area Operators, ERCOT committed to notify its Market Participants, to the extent possible, prior to entering any agreement with another Control Area Operator concerning coordination of SWGRs, DC Ties, or BLTs.  While NPRR 886 has yet to be approved, ERCOT provides this Notice to Market Participants in order to allow them time to review and comment on the ERCOT-SPP Coordination Plan and ERCOT-MISO Coordination Plan prior to their execution.  ERCOT will consider all comments submitted by January 28, 2019 and discuss its acceptance or rejection of those comments with the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) on January 30, 2019 and the ERCOT Board on February 12, 2019 prior to execution of the plans.

Drafts of the ERCOT-SPP Coordination Plan and ERCOT-MISO Coordination Plan are attached.

Comments should be submitted via email to Chad Seely at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>, Nathan Bigbee at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>, and Brandon Gleason at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> on or before January 28, 2019.

CONTACT:  If you have any questions, please contact your ERCOT Account Manager. You may also call the general ERCOT Client Services phone number at (512) 248-3900 or contact ERCOT Client Services via email at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.

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