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NOTICE DATE: June 15, 2017
NOTICE TYPE: W-A061517-01 Education/Training
SHORT DESCRIPTION: Training by Siemens on PSEC_720: Economic Transmission Planning
DAY AFFECTED: August 10-11, 2017
LONG DESCRIPTION: On August 10 and 11 Siemens will offer training on Economic Transmission Planning. The primary objective of this course it to teach fundamental and advanced economic concepts as an integral component of transmission planning and project evaluation. The objective is to instill in transmission planners the economic and transmission concepts that will allow for best in class project planning and analysis.
Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to apply the following concepts for short, intermediate, and long-term planning studies to judge the relative merits of competing transmission projects.
In PSSC 720 participants will gain practical experience in:
********* Understand the fundamentals of economic transmission planning such as project capital costs and their time value, costs-benefits based on production cost, and how to measure the societal costs and benefits
********* Learn how revenue requirements is used as a calculation method to compare different transmission alternatives on an equivalent base (first year present value)
********* Understand energy market concepts including scarcity, surplus, supply-demand curve, day-ahead market, real-time market, firm transmission rights, reliability vs. economics
********* Learn about production cost modeling (software agnostic) including the input data requirements such as generator and transmission data and output such as production costs, emissions and market prices
********* Review comparative approaches and best practices
********* Understand societal costs-benefits and metrics
********* Learn about economic criteria required to evaluate transmission projects, i.e., comparative system costs with and without project and thresholds as defined by specific regions
********* Learn how to identify opportunities to build market efficiency projects, i.e., evaluating multiple projects vs. a single project to the same end
********* Understand how to account for uncertainties such as: reserves, regulation, spinning and non-spinning, black start, transmission outages, generation and load forecasts, generation volatility and emissions
This is a two day course. Material is presented in both morning and afternoon sessions for a total of six hours of daily instruction. Standard course hours are 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. each day.
ACTION REQUIRED: To enroll in the course, go to https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__siemens.coursewebs.com_siemens_pageCourseInfo.aspx-3FCourse-5FID-3DPSEC-5F720&d=DwIFAg&c=trp9rTvIdyEWh1VWB5x8_2JiPaB5oGZOtWPDws2_VoY&r=IyG-s8ZFWZt_OSv0vBtl3vUIjfBiCoPonLdhppygvio&m=xa1PoKo1ObhArBfN5tnciUZUHIlkW7POyxPuTC2IAd8&s=brwuTIw074AqUuKV1kclIYnc_8qhIbfbh2ukCMLe_JE&e= <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__siemens.coursewebs.com_siemens_pageCourseInfo.aspx-3FCourse-5FID-3DPSEC-5F720&d=DwMFAg&c=trp9rTvIdyEWh1VWB5x8_2JiPaB5oGZOtWPDws2_VoY&r=n2uELzSnfB3h_3ec-fVkk3tqQZveGPjPnEI37Grd1zQ&m=Asaq3gbgZBb0JMtdorhiWAxS6JD2gHJitbs4bLTzMD0&s=xbznJ6wkrCyAHSS1XRUlq4BY3ps76AN4a6IsGHl17zA&e=> and choose the ERCOT, Taylor TX location by choosing "Add to Cart."
(If, after clicking on the link, you receive a security alert notifying you that the integrity of the connection cannot be verified or that there is a problem with the website's security, please know that the link is valid and will take you directly to the Siemens registration site).
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The course will be held at the ERCOT Facility in Taylor, Texas. Please register prior to the close of business day on August 1, 2017. ERCOT will limit attendance to the first 25 registrants. Participants will be able to attain 1.2 Professional Development Hours (PDHs).
CONTACT: If you have any questions, please contact your ERCOT Account Manager. You may also call the general ERCOT Client Services phone number at (512) 248-3900 or contact ERCOT Client Services via email at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.
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